In the hustle and bustle of running your business, it’s tempting to look for quick fixes. And when it comes to brushing up on your tech skills, YouTube is the place to be.

It’s got videos for everything, right?

Well, hold your horses—or should I say, your clicks. As much as one can appreciate YouTube for its SNL Weekend Update videos and repair hacks (game changers!), when it comes to the ins and outs of your business’s tech stack, it’s not quite the solution you might think it is.

The Maze of Unstructured Learning | Kopf Consulting

The Maze of Unstructured Learning

If you have ever had to be build a piece of furniture from IKEA, I could stop right now and you would get the point I am about to make. If not, let me put it this way – imagine sitting down to build a puzzle, but the pieces come from a dozen different boxes.

That’s YouTube for you - a Whitman’s Sample of Assorted Chocolates without the guide – *cue shutter*.

You need a roadmap, a structured path from A to B, an up-close play by play without the assumption that you just “get” some of the basics that an expert may gloss over. Without this, you’re left with knowledge gaps wider than the Grand Canyon. And let’s be real, who has time to play connect-the-dots when there’s a business to run?

The Pitfalls of Outdated Advice

Tech moves fast—blink and the landscape shifts. What was tech royalty yesterday can become today’s has-been. Stumbling upon a YouTube tutorial that’s a year old might not seem like a big deal, until you realize the tech it talks about has evolved.

CRMs and Email Marketing Systems primary goals are to keep up with the ever changing landscape of privacy regulations, Google Algorithms, ISP requirements, and the list goes on. Don’t even get me started on the latest drops on AppSumo that make the newest feature of industry favorites obsolete in a blink of an eye. Just think of how many content generation apps were put to pasture when ChatGPT hit the market!

Yes, the best of the best drop videos as soon as possible to help but have you ever tried to navigate YouTube to find exactly what you need? As of this moment, YouTube has over 800 million videos! Do a simple search for “dubsado tutorial 2023” and you bring back 3,880 results.

Hold on the eye roll, while I am well aware that YouTube has filters, that same search with filters (this week, relevant, any amount of time) bought back 56 results and none of them were relevant!

Forget Speed – The Need for Personalization is Key

The Need for Personalization is Key | Kopf Consulting

Let’s talk about the personal touch, or the lack thereof. YouTube’s a one-size-fits-all kind of deal. But your business? It’s tailor-made. You need strategies and tech tips that fit like a glove, and that’s hard to come by in a sea of generic “how-to” guides. Add to that the absence of feedback, and you’re essentially shooting arrows in the dark, hoping to hit the bullseye.

While we are at it, short, simple, and to the point isn’t always best when you are reaching for a lifeline. Yes, watching a 30 minute video on how to unclog a toilet is a bit much; however, complex tech concepts can’t always be squished into a ten-minute clip. Not to mention the plethora of distractions—ads, baby otter videos (Ok – that one may just be me), and the never-ending recommendations sidebar. Your focus deserves better.

Even if you do luck out and by some miracle find a video that works – is it everything you need? You can pause, rewind, and re-watch until your eyes cross but shouting at the screen isn’t going to have them pan any further to the left or right or explain why your screen doesn’t look the same. While some of us can fill in the blanks or “get this gist”, others need that one-on-one, hand holding experience. If not for the guidance, for the reassurance!

The Quest for Quality and Credibility

Anyone can become a YouTube star these days, but not everyone should be your tech teacher. Quality varies more than fashion trends, and credibility isn’t guaranteed. Your tech stack is the backbone of your business, and you can’t afford to put it in the hands of someone who might not know their stuff.

If you are going to go the way of YouTube, find channels that are endorsed by programs or verify their credentials (most top level CRMs, Email Marketing Systems, tech apps have certification programs).

Just because a YouTuber found it easy to set up their 17Hats account doesn’t mean they can teach you how to personalize it for your business. They may not be utilizing all the features available and in turn, you could be missing out.

So, where does that leave you?

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You have options! While it appears that we are knocking YouTube, we are just saying the journey doesn’t have to stop there. There are plenty of courses, tutorials, workshops, masterclasses to take on the latest in your tech stack. Udemy has over 210,000 courses available. MailChimp has an academy and Kartra has their own personal training program for new users.

Still Need Personalized Support?

That’s where we come in. Our Training Services aren’t just about giving you information; they’re about giving you a blueprint to understand and use your preferred digital marketing programs. We offer consultations to help you select the right tech for your business, ensuring that your learning journey is as effective and personalized as your morning coffee.

With our help, you can transform from a puzzled tech-user to a confident tech-connoisseur. No more sifting through a haystack of YouTube videos for that golden needle of wisdom. We provide structured, up-to-date, and personalized guidance—so you can spend less time learning the ropes and more time scaling your business heights.

Find What Works Best For You

Whether you work with us or take on a foundation class with your specific software, YouTube is great for back-up support, not as the North Star for your business journey. You’ve already invested in the tech – now get your ROI!

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We offer an assortment of consulting and training services to help grow and shape your business. Sign up today and save 15% off your first session with this code – TRYMEKC15

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